Introduction: In the boxing world, agility can make or break a fight. Today, we focus on explosive movements, quick direction changes, and razor-sharp reflexes.

Main Content:

  • Agility Ladder & Cone Drills (15 mins): Push your speed, footwork, and coordination to the limit.
  • Intense HIIT Circuit:
    • Battle Ropes (4 sets x 30 seconds)
    • Medicine Ball Slams (4 sets x 12 reps)
    • Box Jumps (4 sets x 10 reps)
    • Sled Pushes (4 sets x 40 meters)
  • Reflex Training (15 mins): Use tennis balls or reaction balls. Improve hand-eye coordination, anticipating unpredictable movements.

Conclusion: Agility keeps you elusive and unpredictable in the ring. As the week winds down, join us tomorrow for a day of active recovery, emphasizing rejuvenation.

David Smith